Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
A comprehensive risk-based approach
An effective business continuity and disaster recovery program serves as a framework to help your organization build resilience by decreasing the likelihood of a disruptive event and prepare the organization to continue the delivery of critical products and services, should a disruption occur.
A business continuity and disaster recovery program is dynamic and should be reviewed at least annually to ensure it addresses what the organization and its stakeholders care about.
At Secliance, we take a comprehensive risk-based approach to help you sustain operations in the midst of a serious crisis.
A comprehensive business continuity and disaster recovery program includes four key functions:
Program Governance
This function sets the foundation of the program and guides the business continuity and recovery efforts by ensuring the program activities and resources are in alignment with organizational goals and strategic direction.
Plan Development
The main goal of this function is to help the organization prepare, respond, and recover from a disruptive event while protecting people, property, and business activities.
Testing and Exercises
This functions allows for validation and continuous improvement of defined strategies and plans.
Training and Awareness
This function ensures that business continuity and recovery teams, as well as general workforce members are aware of disruption mitigating strategies and are ready to respond to disruptions.
Need help with your Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Program?
At Secliance, we help organizations build or update business continuity and disaster recovery programs to:
Provide a comprehensive framework to react to disruptive events;
Implement practices that decrease the likelihood of a disruptive event affecting the organization;
Design processes that reduce the impact of associated downtime when a disruptive event occurs; and
Comply with various regulatory requirements.